Our Team

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Rudzidatul Akmam
Radio Resource Management, Vehicle/UAV Edge Offloading & Computing, Energy efficiency in Wireless Localisation, Machine Learning in IoT (accelerometer sensors)

Ts. Dr. Norulhusna Ahmad
Channel Coding, Multiple Access Broadband, Aerial Communications, Future Communication, ML/DL Application, Image Processing, and IoT Application

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Robiah Ahmad
Evolutionary Computation, System Identification and Modeling, Renewable Energy

Assoc. Prof. Ts. Dr. Norliza Mohamed
Radio Over Fiber (RoF), RF Mixer Design, Optoelectronic
Devices, Antenna Design, Optical Wireless Communication, Internet Of Things (IoT), LED Farming Technology

Dr. Mohd Azri Mohd Izhar
Source and Channel Coding, Cooperative Communication, Quantum Communication, Localization and Tracking, Image Processing, Audio Processing and Machine Learning.

Ir. Dr. Hazilah Mad Kaidi
Wireless Communications, Error Control Coding, Modulation coding, Hybrid ARQ, Cross‐Layer Design, Internet of Things, and Green Technology