4th International Conference on Smart Sensors and Application
Digitalization for Societal Well-Being
26-28th July 2022
TAMU Hotel & Suites, Kuala Lumpur
Come and join us as a reviewer for ICSSA 2022!
⏳Reduce 25% of the professional registration fee rate. Applicable to papers as 1st author or corresponding author ONLY. Maximum for submission of 2 papers only. Registration and payments must be made under the reviewer’s name. OR
⏳Submission of 5 papers of early bird payment with reviewer’s name in ALL 5 papers will eligible for 1 paper FREE and appointment as Invited Speaker.
⏳E-certificate as a token of appreciation.
These terms apply to you from the date of publishing until these terms are superseded by a new version.
Name | Affiliation | |
Prof. Mohammad Faiz Liew Abdullah | Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM) | faiz@uthm.edu.my |
Mr. Iwan Adhicandra | University of Sydney | iwan.adhicandra@ieee.org |
Mr. Boon Chong Ang | Intel | boon.chong.ang@intel.com |
Mr. Azizul Azizan | Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) | azizulazizan@utm.my |
Prof. Eduard Babulak | Liberty University | babulak@yahoo.com |
Dr. Nurul Aini Bani | Universiti Teknologi Malaysia | nurulaini.kl@utm.my |
Dr. Subhasis Bhattacharjee | Adobe Systems India Private Limited | subhasis18@gmail.com |
Dr. Aniruddha Bhattacharjya | Tsinghua University | li-an15@tsinghua.org.cn |
Prof. Sergey Biryuchinskiy | Vigitek, Inc. | sbiruchinsky@optica4d.com |
Dr. Chinmay Chakraborty | Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra | chinmay.chakraborty@gmail.com |
Dr. Donyau Chiang | Taiwan Instrument Research Institute | dony@itrc.narl.org.tw |
Dr. Cheng-Hsin Chuang | National Sun Yat-sen University | chchuang@imst.nsysu.edu.tw |
Dr. Pablo Corral | Universidad Miguel Hernandez de Elche | pcorral@umh.es |
Prof. George Dekoulis | American University of Cyprus (AUCY) | george.dekoulis@aucy.ac.cy |
Prof. Ahmed El Oualkadi | Abdelmalek Essaadi University | eloualkadi@gmail.com |
Dr. Soheli Farhana | Harvard University | farhanas@ieee.org |
Prof. Anton Fuchs | Virtual Vehicle | anton.fuchs@v2c2.at |
Dr. Siamack Ghadimi | Lund University LTH | siamack.ghadimi@gmail.com |
Dr. Visvasuresh Victor Govindaswamy | Concordia University | lovebat814@yahoo.com |
Dr. Annisa Jamali | UNIMAS | annisajamali@gmail.com |
Dr. Shreenivas Jog | Savitribai Phule of Pune University | srjog_etc@rediffmail.com |
Prof. Mohammed Kaabar | Washington State University | mohammedkaabar@gmail.com |
Dr. Ahmed Kawther | Mustansiriyah Universtiy | ahmedkawther81@gmail.com |
Mr. Hammad Khan | CESAT | khammad88@gmail.com |
Dr. Dragana Krstić | Faculty of Electronic Engineering, University of Niš | dragana.krstic_elfak_ni@yahoo.com |
Prof. Pascal Lorenz | University of Haute Alsace | pascal.lorenz@uha.fr |
Dr. Pritheega Magalingam | Universiti Teknologi Malaysia | mpritheega.kl@utm.my |
Dr. TC Manjunath | Dayananda Sagar College of Engineering, Bangalore, Karnataka | tcmanjunath@gmail.com |
Dr. Nikhil Marriwala | Kurukshetra University | nikhilmarriwala@gmail.com |
Prof. Zahéra Mekkioui | University of tlemcen | z_mekkioui@yahoo.fr |
Dr. Imran Mohd Ibrahim | Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka | imranibrahim@utem.edu.my |
Mr. Mohd Ismifaizul Mohd Ismail | Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) | ismifaizul@gmail.com |
Dr. Mat Nawi | Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris | norzaidi@fsmt.upsi.edu.my |
Mr. Özgür Özdemir | Konya Technical University | oozdemir@ktun.edu.tr |
Mr. Vincenzo Piuri | Università degli Studi di Milano | vincenzo.piuri@unimi.it |
Dr. Ali Rafiei | University of Technology Sydney | ali.rafiei@gmail.com |
Dr. Yusnita Rahayu | Universitas Riau | yusnita.rahayu@lecturer.unri.ac.id |
Dr. Piotr Remlein | Poznan University of Technology | remlein@et.put.poznan.pl |
Dr. Abdalhossein Rezai | University of Science and Culture | rezai@usc.ac.ir |
Dr. Yassine Salih-Alj | Al Akhawayn University | Y.SalihAlj@aui.ma |
Prof. Khalil Sayidmarie | Ninevah University | kh.sayidmarie@gmail.com |
Dr. Mohammad Khaja Shaik | St. Ann’s College of Engineering and Technology Chirala AP India | aimlkhaja@gmail.com |
Mr. Preecha Somwang | Rajamangala University of Technology Isan | preechak@nmc.ac.th |
Dr. Otavio Teixeira | Universidade Federal Do Pará (UFPA) | onoura@gmail.com |
Dr. Alessandro Testa | Ministry Of Economy and Finance | a.testa@unina.it |
Prof. Ming-Fong Tsai | National United University | mingfongtsai@gmail.com |
Dr. Masood Ur-Rehman | University Of Glasgow | masood.urrehman@glasgow.ac.uk |
Prof. Panagiotis Varzakas | University Of Thessaly | pvarzakas@teilam.gr |
Prof. Matthias Vodel | University Of Applied Sciences Mittweida | mail@vodel.de |
Dr. Hiroo Wakaumi | Tokyo Metropolitan College of Industrial Technology | waka781420j@ab.auone-net.jp |
Dr. Kwok Shien Yeo | Tunku Abdul Rahman University College | yeoks@tarc.edu.my |
Dr. Aws Yonis | Ninevah University | awszuher@gmail.com |
Mr. Husain Zaidan | Universiti Teknologi Malaysia | husainzaidan@gmail.com |