Either you are UTM lecturer, researcher, or student, who is working with data, you are invited to come and find out how you could use Wolfram Mathematica to easily compute and deploy your computation with fully interactive models using a combination of powerful computation, statistics and optimization, instant interactivity, and built-in data.

Seminar Session: 9am-12pm, 16/8, UTM Razak School
Workshop Session: 2pm-4pm, 16/8, UTM Razak School

Register today at https://wolfr.am/n5qJQYzv
Get your free license today on http://oemscorp.com/mathematica-site/

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UTM Senior Lecturer won the Anugerah Tokoh Perdana 2018

UTM Senior Lecturer won the Anugerah Tokoh Perdana 2018

On 24 November 2018, a UTM senior lecturer Ts. Dr. Rozzeta Dolah CEng has been awarded as Tokoh Perdana 2018 by Education Malaysia in the United States of America. The award is given during the Perdana Scholar Awards (PSA 2018) event at Embassy of Malaysia...