About International Conference on Engineering Business Management (ICEBM)
International Conference on Engineering Business Management (ICEBM) is the product of the Double Master Program (DMP) established between Universiti Teknologi Malaysia and Meiji University in 2010. The first ICEBM was successfully held at Equatorial Hotel, Melaka in September 2012 with participation of researchers from both Japan and Malaysia in the area of engineering business management. It has paved the way until now, the eleventh ICEBM was successfully hosted virtually by Razak Faculty of Tehcnology and Informatics, UTM Kuala Lumpur in August 2022. This clearly shows the strong commitment from both, Razak Faculty of Technology and Informatics, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) and Graduate School of Business Administrative (GSBA), Meiji University in establishing long term academic collaboration that is of benefits to both institutions. The conference act as a bridge to strengthen the bond between UTM and Meiji University in many ways.
The purpose of the virtual conference is to continue sharing the knowledge and experiences in research as well as to establish academic network between the two universities. Participations are mainly from post graduate students from both institutions to encourage them to present and defend their work confidently and improve their research. This could be a platform for the participants to write high quality articles in the future. It is also a venue to expose the participants to establish networking and generate discussions for potential collaborations virtually. This conference can give opportunities for participants from both countries to communicate and learn from each other not only in terms of academic research but also the culture.
Presentation form distinguished keynote speakers certainly enlighten to the history and future trends of economic relationships between Malaysia and Japan. Articles published in the proceedings are deemed beneficial to the engineering business management research area. Some of the findings might also applicable to some of the organizations particularly in dealing with their industrial issues.